You suffer from idiopathic sudden sensorineural hearing loss? Your doctor has already exhausted all possibilities of conventional therapy or you suffered from side effects during treatment?

Our drug delivering implants may be the solution for your hearing loss.

Background information

The problem with conventional therapy for hearing loss is that only small amounts of the active substances used reach the inner ear. These are administered as tablets or through injections and do not reach the right place in sufficient quantities. Unfortunately, this leads to the healing effect being too low or the dose having to be so high that side effects occur. Both can be avoided with our round window implant (RNI).

Unfortunately, this leads to the healing effect being too low or the dose having to be so high that side effects occur. Both can be avoided with our round window implant (RNI).

Zeichnung des Gehörapperats mit äußeren Ohr, Mittelohr und Innenohr. Zu sehen ist von links nach rechts: das Äußere Ohr, der Gehörkanal, das Trommelfell, die Gehörknöchelchen, die Cochlea und der Hörnerv. Der Bereich der Rundfensternische an der Grenze von Mittel- und Innenohr ist hervorgehoben und ein Foto als Zoom dargestellt, auf dem die Rundfenstermembran zu sehen ist.
Grafik eines Schädels einer 3D Mesh Darstellungen von einem Rundfensternischenimplantats im Mittelohr. Umgeben ist das Implantat von der Cochlea, den Bogengängen und derm Nerv facialis.

Our implant

Our implant is characterised by the long-term and targeted release of the drug at the target site, the inner ear. This means that the active ingredient does not have to take a diversion first, and a low dose is necessary because the active ingredient is not distributed throughout the rest of the body. The medication can have a targeted effect where the problem exists.

The medication can have a targeted effect where the problem exists.

Our RNIs (round window implant) are manufactured on demand for each patient individually to ensure a perfect fit.

Our RNIs:

are individually adapted to your inner ear anatomy

deliver the active ingredient against your hearing loss specifically to the right place

only need to be applied once to allow therapy over several weeks

Interested? Contact us or talk to your doctor about Bacta Implants

Aktuell befinden sich unsere Rundfensternischen-Implantate in der klinischen Erprobung. Wir planen, dass die Implantate ab 2030 für Patienten verfügbar sind.

If you suffer from acute hearing loss and would like to take part in our clinical trial, please contact us:

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