You aim to administer an active substance into a living being, but the systemic application is not effective enough?

Our patient individual, elastic, drug delivering implants may be the answer for effective local long-term drug application. Even in difficult to reach and small cavities.

Grafik zu verschiedenen HNO Implantaten. Zu sehen ist ein Schädel mit drei 3D Mesh Darstellungen von Implantaten. Ein frontales neo-ostium Implantat (FOI) in der Stirnhöhle. Ein Rundfensternischenimplantat (RNI) im Mittelohr. Und ein Gehörgangsimplantat im Gehörgang.

The long-term application of substances in difficult to reach organs can be ineffective by conventional methods such as systemic application or local injection of solutions.

Bacta Implants may overcome these barriers by:

adaptive form: patienten-individualized or designed for your needs
drug delivery: targeted and long-term
elastic: the material is mechanically flexible and therefore implantable in hardly to reach organs

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